Application form for the AMI Montessori 3-6 Diploma Course

Obligatory registration for the AMI Montessori 3-6 Diploma course January 2025-July 2026.
Organizer: Finnish Montesssori Training Enterprise (Suomen Montessori – koulutus tmi, VAT number FI 1788319-6) part of Montessori Institute Finland, Ltd, according to the requirements (studies and exams) of the AMI (Association Montessori Internationale)

Fee: 7700€+ VAT 24% (in installments).

When paid in one installment before the course will start the fee will be 7500€ +VAT 24%

If the VAT will be changed it will be taken in consideration in all installments.

The student is responsible of possible visa, travels, lodging and other costs.

Non refundable registration fee, 500€+VAT 24% (=620€), is paid at the registration to
Suomen Montessori-Koulutus, Huhtakoukku 11 I, 02340 Espoo, Finland
Bank: Nordea
Account: IBAN -number: FI79 1112 3000 337 334

If you withdraw from the course before starting 3.1.2025 you need to pay the registration fee and the first installment.

In case of quitting the course the already paid installments will not be returned.
If the student withdraws from the course after 15th of June 2025 the whole course payment is required.

You can participate either using the electronic form below or using the printable form.

    Osallistujan tiedot | Information of the applicant *

    Lähiomainen | Contact person in emergency

    Maksaja, mikäli eri kuin yllämainittu | Payer (if not the same as the applicant)

    Maksaja sitoutuu koulutusmaksun suorittamiseen erillisen maksuaikataulun mukaisesti | The student is responsible of possible visa, travels, lodging and other costs.

    Liitteet | Attach

    Hyväksyn ehdot | I accept the terms

    Olen lukenut ilmoittautumislomakkeessa olevat peruutusehdot ja hyväksyn ne | I have read the requirements and I accept them

    Changes possible.
    Possible disagreements are solved in the district court of Espoo city, Finland.

    Information about the applicant is very important to us that is why we keep the application documents carefully at Finnish Montessori Training Organisation, Huhtakoukku 11 I, 02340 Espoo, Finland. After the course has ended the information will be destroyed. Applicant’s personal data will be sent as well to AMI (Association Montessori Internationale) excluding the possible personal identity number.